主讲人:徐丽娜 美国纽约哥伦比亚大学精算系主任
时 间:2017年7月17日(周一)上午10:00
地 点:3号楼300会议室
徐丽娜 美国精算师协会研究员,应用数学及计算科学博士。现任美国纽约哥伦比亚大学精算系主任,浙江财经大学兼职教授,浙江财经大学中国金融研究院研究员。从事数学、统计、精算学教学科研已逾20年。曾担任美国再保险集团(RGA), 大都会人寿(MetLife), 特拉华人寿(Delaware Life), 英国保诚集团(Prudential), 古根海姆(Guggenheim)及Athene Annuity等美国保险公司重要职务。
Why actuarial profession? How to become the 21st century actuaries?Actuarial is a risk professional, they measure and manage risk. They bring financial security to individuals, organizations and public. Their work delivers value.Value to business, organizations and the public. The world depends on actuaries to make sound decisions for the future.
With the big data era, actuaries are interesting at “what it is the actuarial big data opportunity?” This presentation will talk about the actuarial profession. Where they work? What they do? And what are opportunities for actuaries?