主讲人:加拿大曼尼托巴大学 路磊副教授
讲座时间:03月08日(周四)下午 14:00-16:00
路磊,加拿大曼尼托巴大学阿斯博商学院金融学副教授。他于2007年毕业于加拿大麦吉尔大学,获得金融学博士学位。2007-2011年任教于上海财经大学金融学院,2011-2016年任教于北京大学光华管理学院金融系。他的研究方向包括资产定价和行为金融,研究发表在Management Science, Journal of Future Markets, Economic Theory, Economic Letters, Quantitative Finance, Financial Review等英文期刊; 他的研究发表在《管理科学学报》和《金融研究》等中文期刊。他曾经主持过国家自然科学基金,上海市浦江计划项目,以及中金所的研究项目。
We examine the relation between a firm’s dividend deviation, the difference between a firm’s actual dividend per share (DPS) and investors’ expected DPS, and its stock returns. We find that the stock return drops as the dividend deviation increases. We construct a dividend deviation factor and find that this factor carries a positive risk premium that is both statistically significant and economically meaningful. We propose a risk-based explanation that the dividend deviation factor is a proxy for risk. Under-paying firms have greater exposure to the risk and thus investors require a risk premium to hold these stocks.